Greek Republic



T.K. Syrrako

“Legacy of St. Baltatzis K’Donors K. Holeva and V. Panetis

Tach. Address: Sirrako

Tach. code : 440 01

Information: Georgios Vaitsis

tel: 2651053296

Fax : 2651053297

E-mail :visitsyrrako@gmail.com

Subject: Determining the terms of endowment of girls from the Bequest of Spyridonos Baltatzis and Donors K. Holeva and B. Paneti

Bearing in mind the following:

A. The P.D. 550 (F.E.K. 197/1976), Will of Spyridonos Baltatzi

Β. On 17.10.1907 the Autographed Will of the deceased Spyridon Baltatzis which was published with no. 1749/17.03.1908, Minutes of the Session of the Court of First Instance of Athens.

Β. Approving the budget for the use of of the year 2020 of the Autonomous Management Fund under the name “Baltatzis Endowment and donors Holeva Panetis” of the DECENTRALIZED ADMINISTRATION OF EPIRUS ? SW MACEDONIA GEN. D/NSI ESOT. OPERATING DIRECTORATE OF PUBLIC PROPERTIES (Property No. 71619),

We announce the terms of endowment of needy girls from the Spyridonos Baltatzi and K. Donors Endowment. Holeva and B. We announce the terms of endowment of needy girls from the Spyridonos Baltatzi and K. Donors Endowment.

a) Candidates should have the status of mayor of D.E. Sirrakos of the Municipality of North Tzoumerka at least one year before the lottery process.

We announce the terms of endowment of needy girls from the Spyridonos Baltatzi and K. Donors Endowment.

c) Candidates must be single up to and including the draw date. Those who wish to be endowed, should submit a complete application file that will be submitted or sent by July 31, 2020 to the Community Office of T. Κ. Syracou (Local Community of Syracou, Syracou North Tzoumerkon, P.K. 44001). The file should contain the following documents and supporting documents:

  1. Signed application form.
  2. Form E1 of the latest tax return or statement for the year 2019 (of the parents as well as of the interested party if she submits).
  3. Form E9 for the year 2019 and possible subsequent changes (of the parents and of the interested party if submitting).
  4. Responsible declaration where the following will be declared: a) The forms of (2) and (3) above paragraphs that they are true (as long as they are not validated by the tax office). b) The person concerned has not been endowed by another legal entity.
  5. Photocopy of the identity of the interested party.
  6. Certificate of popularity (registration in the relevant municipal directories) showing that the candidate is registered in the Municipal directories of the postal code. Sirrakos of the Municipality of North Tzoumerka at least one year before the lottery process. (All supporting documents must be presented in an envelope with a foil bearing the candidate’s name on the cover). 31/07/2020 is set as the deadline for submitting the applications and the rest of the above documents to the D.E. Syracuse. Applications received in any manner after July 31, 2020 will not be considered or considered by the endowment management committee in the upcoming table for endowment of girls. A committee will prepare a list of candidates for endowment of girls, which it will submit for approval to the Financial Service of the Municipality of North Tzoumerka by August 7, 2020. competent Economic Committee. The draw will take place on August 15, 2020, after the Solemn Divine Liturgy at I.N. Dormition of the Virgin of Syracuse. Candidates must be present. In case of inability, to be represented by a legally authorized representative, who should submit the necessary deemed authorization to the Management Committee on August 14, 2020 at 2:00 p.m., at the Syracuse Community Office. The announcement will be published in two local daily newspapers, in Ioannina and Preveza and will be posted on the internet: Community of Syrrako- visitsyrrako@gmail.com. Other Information: Skamnelos Christos-6974838490, Vaitsis Giorgos-6946424324.

The President T.K. Syracuse

George B. Vaitsis

Community News


Sirrako, is a historical noble village of Epirus. It is located 52 km. southeast of Ioannina, on Mount Peristeri, at an altitude of 1200m. …


Instructions and directions on how to get to Syracuse

What you can do in Syracuse and in nature during your stay

See the museums in the area of Syracuse


Instructions and directions on how to get to Syracuse

What you can do in Syracuse and in nature during your stay

See the museums in the area of Syracuse